Updated Patient Intake Form

UX/UI Designer


This was the solo final project for my User Interface Design class.

May 2022 (1 week)

General Research, Market Research, Wireframing, Documentation


The goal of this project was to update an existing patient intake form. I took it a step further and created a digital intake form that could be accessed prior to the appointment or at the doctor’s office. Also, since most doctor’s offices these days are using patient portals, I decided to build off of that pre-existing system.

Also, this intake form is almost exactly like one from my past chiropractor’s office. For about a year after a car accident, I’d have to fill out a paper form like this once a week. The chiropractor’s office was in the process of switching from physical files to digital ones… So after every patient filled out physical paperwork, the front desk associate would have to type notes into the system.

Original Intake Form (Paper)


Updated Intake Form (Digital)


If I had More Time…

I would talk with the client more to see if certain fields were necessary or if they were only there traditionally. I loved thinking through each line of the form: “Do they actually need to know if the patient has children? Is that for insurance reasons? Note- ask client about required info.”

I would also circle back with the developers about the added capabilities, like saving mid-form and adding auto-fill to the insurance sections. We would also need to work within the constraints of the patient portal, so I’d need to check on how customizable we could make that.

Main Takeaways

When I first take on a project, getting too excited about the bigger picture might mean widening the scope of a project without realizing it. With this project, I quickly went down the rabbit hole of “What are the pros and cons of patient portals?” and “What are pain points that users may have with patient portals?”. When in actuality, the project’s scope was only to update the intake form. You may have seen the annotations where I said something like, “Wait- focus on the project! I’m not redesigning patient portals. Let’s refocus to the intake form for right now.” So it’s something I’m actively working on!


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